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Education System, URGENT improvement needed

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By: Irene García

Over the years education in Guatemala has given much to talk about and on many occasions has not been a good topic to address, regarding sex education that normally should start teaching from an early age and thus avoid potential abuse in both children and adolescents, the last program that the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), provided to the different institutions in the country, was delivered in 2013.

If this program would be updated year by year the cases of child abuse would decrease in a potential way, at the same time, it is necessary that teachers address the issue and receive adequate training to address the issue without any kind of taboo, likewise, that information should be delivered to groups with greater vulnerability in the country.

In the school of communication sciences of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, the curriculum was last updated in 2010, which means a huge delay in terms of the era of digital communication, the skills that the social communicator in training needs are focused on the digital area, which is very deficient in that school.

Likewise, teachers at the national level on the subject of pandemic were forced to use resources for which they were not trained and to date remain untrained. The improvement in the national education system is urgent to better prepare the future professionals of the country.

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